Due to increasing knowledge and tools of modern veterinary medicine, our pets are living longer and hence we are seeing more cases of osteoarthritis. Pain from osteoarthritis is well documented in human beings and dogs. Cats do not show pain as cats are masters at hiding illnesses and/or pain. Cats do not limp or cry…
Can I catch that from my pet?
We sometimes get asked by owners whether they can catch a certain disease from their pet …or sometimes they ask if their pet could catch say a flu from them. These are very good questions and thankfully in domestic pets there are only a few disease conditions that can be transferred between our pet dogs/cats…
Pet of the Month: Jack
Jack came in to see us at Drovers Vet hospital as he had chronic diarrhoea that just was not responding to numerous previous treatments at his regular vet. Clinical examination was normal and tests were run to try and determine the cause of his diarrhoea. An abdominal ultrasound was scheduled which showed severe thickening of…
Snake Bite season has begun
It’s that time of year when the weather is beginning to warm up, snakes are waking from hibernation and we have already seen our first snake bite cases of the warmer season here at Drovers. It is very important to obtain veterinary attention if your pet has been bitten by a snake. The following information…
Choosing a dog
So, you’ve decided you’re ready to get a dog. “Now what breed should I get?”, is a question often asked. There are many factors to consider when adopting or purchasing a dog and choosing the breed of dog. These things should always be considered before you acquire your new pet. If not considered, the implications…
The importance of microchipping
This week we had a beautiful young female tabby cat brought in to the clinic as a stray. She had been found in the vicinity of a local school and appeared lost. A staff member of the school brought her into the clinic hoping that we could identify the cat. She had no collar but thankfully, she had been…
Dr Caroline’s Chicks have Hatched!
Last weekend, Dr. Caroline hatched some chickens from some fertile chicken eggs. The eggs were incubated in an egg incubator at home. It takes 21 days to incubate chicken eggs. At day 20, the chicks begin to hatch – they can be heard peeping inside their eggs and then begin to pip through the shell…
Back Pain in Dogs
050Have you ever suffered sciatic pain? One minute you’re moving around freely and the next you are gripped by a pain so debilitating and excruciating, you can’t move. If you’re fortunate, after a few days or weeks of rest, the pain dissipates. A similar nerve pain can affect dogs. There are a number of causes…
Popular pet names at Drovers Vets
Over the past few weeks we have had some special patients with some very creative names come to visit us here at Drovers Vet Hospital. Here are just a few of them: Dog names: Bosch Bulldozer Ozwald Tofu Manaia Cat Names: Tchaikovsky Gatto Tigra Tullulah Bellabina Mignon Pocket pets and birds: Tree chicken Pancake Winslow…
Breeding bitches and possible caesareans
It is always a very exciting time for the family involved when it comes to breeding their female dogs and then having wonderful cute little puppies, if everything goes well. However, we have seen plenty of pregnant dogs have problems giving birth due to a wide variation of reasons. They would eventually need a caesarean…